Volunteer Spotlight: Paige and Art Nagle

Enduring Devotion to Penn State

Around 1975, Paige, an honorary Penn State alumna, and Art Nagle ’61 LIB, were approached by a Penn State fundraising volunteer, who asked the couple to consider making a major gift to the University. Art shared, “We were living in New York, and I was early in my career on Wall Street. Paige and I were recently married and just starting our family, so making the donation seemed a lot at the time. After discussing it, we decided to move forward with the gift. We were able to make annual payments on our pledge over five years but ended up accelerating the full amount. We were able to direct where we’d like the funds to be allocated and utilized. The experience was very rewarding. One thing led to another, and we’re still involved today.”

The Nagles began volunteering soon after that initial gift. “In the early ’80s, I was asked to serve on the campaign committee for A Campaign for Penn State while Paige chaired an athletics campaign subcommittee focused on raising funds specifically for women’s athletics. After that, I went on to serve on the executive committee for the next three campaigns, Grand Destiny, For the Future, and A Greater Penn State, and even chaired the interim campaign, Investing in People, which raised nearly $822 Million.

Although Paige is an alumna of Northwestern University, she volunteered on many Penn State committees as well. She shared, “I served on the campaign committees for the College of Arts and Architecture as well as Intercollegiate Athletics during the Grand Destiny, Investing in People, and For the Future campaigns.” Today, the Nagles serve as honorary members of the Campaign Leadership Council for the current capital campaign and as Presidential Counselors.

Spending so much of their time volunteering for the Division of Development and Alumni Relations has been rewarding for the Nagles. Art shared, “It has been so much fun and a terrific experience realizing the gratification of being able to give back. We’ve made many connections, met a lot of Penn Staters, and learned about all areas of the University through this work.” Art explained that his most fulfilling responsibilities have included reaching out to other Penn Staters by attending events with Development officers in their geographic territories and joining gift officers during their in-person meetings. Now, he’s happy to pass the torch and take on more of an advisory role. “I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Today, Paige and I serve as honorary members of the Campaign Leadership Council, and it’s been invigorating to meet the new members. It’s an exciting time at Penn State and we are looking forward to seeing what is achieved and hopefully, be a small part of it.”

According to Art and Paige, the most gratifying aspect of their work has been seeing all that has been accomplished through their and other volunteers’ efforts. “We have had the opportunity to be strategic partners with Penn State, to help the University achieve its campaign goals by serving as advisors and providing any support we could. Through the many gifts that we helped to facilitate and the generous philanthropy we’ve seen throughout all the campaigns, we’ve changed the lives of countless students, who have been able to graduate and begin their careers debt free or with a lower debt load. We’ve seen enhancements everywhere we look, going back to the opening of the Bryce Jordan Center in 1996, to today with the brand-new Palmer Museum of Art. All of them have been made possible through philanthropy. So many wonderful things have happened during the time we’ve been involved, and it’s just been one great thing after another.”

The Nagles have always been active in Penn State life and return to University Park often for meetings, athletic events, and a wide array of other activities. They are most passionate about musical theater. Paige said, “We have always loved the Penn State Musical Theatre program. We attend almost every performance, so we get to meet and get to know the students and watch them all perform. At the end of the academic year, the students have a showcase in New York City, which is like a big job interview where casting directors and agents get to see their talents at a theater in Manhattan. Afterwards, we host a dinner in their honor as a year-end celebration of their accomplishments and achievements. We are so proud of each and every one of the students and are still connected with many of the alumni, so many of whom have gone on to have successful careers on Broadway and beyond.”

Art and Paige’s volunteer experiences have grown their understanding of and belief in the importance of philanthropy. Art said, “It isn’t a singular thing or event. Our commitment to philanthropy has grown from our very first gift to seeing how each campaign contribution has made a difference. We especially enjoyed seeing the appreciation from recipients, whether they were faculty and administration or students. It has been extremely gratifying and rewarding. In fact, there’s nothing else quite like that feeling.”

Art and Paige have supported many areas across the University, including funding for endowments in Intercollegiate Athletics, the College of Medicine, the College of the Liberal Arts, and the College of Arts and Architecture. Art said, “We’ve had many scholarship students in Athletics, Musical Theatre, and Liberal Arts, and we’ve met a most of those recipients along the way. We were always so impressed by their passion and maturity.”

The Nagle’s’ enduring devotion to Penn State has grown exponentially over time, and their continued dedication to volunteerism and philanthropy has proven how much they truly care for the University. In recognition of that commitment, the couple was honored with the Alumni Fellow Award in 2000, the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2001, and as the very first recipients of the Fundraising Volunteer of the Year award in 2002. Art said, “We can’t pinpoint a specific moment, but it’s an accumulation of unique experiences and special moments that have made such a lasting impact on us. It’s been uplifting to return to campus on a regular basis and it always energizes our love for the place.”

In 2009, the Nagles were recognized for their generosity even further by being inducted into the Elm Circle of the Mount Nittany Society. Paige shared, “We have been blessed in so many ways. Being at Penn State has been so much fun for us and everyone in our family. We’ve met so many lovely people and made many friends through the years. We are looking forward to what comes next for Penn State and to making even more memories.”

Inspired by the Nagle’s’ service to Penn State?

You may consider a gift to the Musical Theatre Program in the College of Arts & Architecture or to any of the many other areas of the University that you feel passionate about here.

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