Donor Recognition
Be a part of the Penn State giving family.
Golden Lion Society
Honoring Penn State alumni who give every year—no matter how much.
President’s Club
Recognizing those who invest in Penn State through significant annual gifts.
Mount Nittany Society
Celebrating our most generous donors and the impact of cumulative giving.
Atherton Society
Expressing gratitude for those who pledge to establish a legacy of support.
Donor Spotlight: Making the news by making a difference

Golden Lion Society
Honoring Penn State alumni who give every year—no matter how much
There are many ways to show your belief in the Penn State community. But nothing says, “I know you can do it,” quite like the support from Golden Lion Society members. This society is reserved for Penn State alumni who have made a gift—of any size—at least four years in a row or every year since graduation.
In short, the Golden Lion Society is a celebration of support you can count on.
For more information, contact:
Suite 210
State College, Pennsylvania 16803
Phone: 814-863-2052
Fax: 814-865-8755
How to Join
It’s simple! Be a Penn State graduate and make a gift every year after graduation or for four years in a row.

President’s Club
Recognizing those who invest in Penn State through significant annual gifts
Membership in the President’s Club is offered annually to University donors—both graduates and friends—whose gifts total $2,500 or more during that fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). For Penn State graduates who have earned a degree in the last ten years—our GOLD donors—membership is granted for annual giving that totals $1,000 or more. Contributions made to any campus, college, or program count toward membership. While planned or deferred commitments are not included in President’s Club totals, any outright gift may be counted, including cash, securities, support from family foundations and donor-advised funds, and matching gifts from employers.
All President’s Club members receive a lapel-pin upon joining and are invited to an annual President’s Club reception. Sparks Circle members receive an additional event invitation to experience Penn State for a day, and President’s Circle members have the opportunity to attend an exclusive annual gathering with the President. All members receive special communications about college and campus activities.
Read more about the President’s Club, or, for additional information, contact:
Suite 210
State College, Pennsylvania 16803
Phone: 814-863-2052
Fax: 814-865-8755
How to Join
Fiscal year annual giving (July 1–June 30) from alumni or friends must total:
Ralph D. Hetzel Circle
$2,500 and above
$1,000 and above for GOLD donors
Edwin E. Sparks Circle
$5,000 and above
President’s Circle
$10,000 and above

Mount Nittany Society
Celebrating our most generous donors and the impact of cumulative giving
Named for the cherished natural landmark, the Mount Nittany Society represents the pinnacle of philanthropy to Penn State.
Recognition is given to individuals whose cumulative lifetime giving to Penn State has reached or exceeded $250,000 in irrevocable commitments. As the University’s top donors, members of the Mount Nittany Society are taking the lead in making Penn State an even stronger institution for the twenty-first century.
All new members of the Mount Nittany Society, Laurel Circle, and Elm Circle are inducted at an annual awards ceremony, where they are presented to the University President and the other members of the society. Members receive a lifetime invitation to this annual gala, special communications about Penn State accomplishments and goals, and invitations to University-hosted events.
From the inaugural group of 149 members in 1977, to the more than 1,700 supporters recognized today, members of the Mount Nittany Society continue to demonstrate a level of generosity towards Penn State that is nothing less than remarkable.
For more information, please contact:
State College, PA 16801
Phone: 814-863-4300
Fax: 814-865-7115
How to Join
Cumulative lifetime giving from alumni or friends must total:
Mount Nittany Society
$250,000 and above
Laurel Circle
$1,000,000 and above
Elm Circle
$5,000,000 and above

Atherton Society
Expressing gratitude for those who pledge to establish a legacy of support
Penn State donors who establish a planned gift are crucial to sustaining the tradition and enhancing the quality of a Penn State education far into the future. The Atherton Society honors individuals who make this extraordinary commitment.
Members will receive a small gift upon joining the society, in addition to periodic updates about University campaign progress and programs; a subscription to Inspired Giving, the University’s gift planning newsletter; and invitations to special events and seminars.
Just as George and Frances Atherton laid the foundation for Penn State’s achievements today, Atherton Society members’ philanthropy will spur the next great accomplishments of our University.
For more information, contact:
State College, PA 16803-6606
Phone: 888-800-9170
Fax: 814-865-0893
How to Join
Examples of qualifying planned gifts include:
- Bequest in a will or living trust
- Charitable gift annuity
- Charitable lead trust
- Charitable remainder trust
- Designation of Penn State as the beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy
- Remainder interest gift of a home or farm